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Fran Laphew Alba
Posted on the 2021-06-29 at 20:00
Great, Great reunion !!
Thomas H. Woodward (Woody)
Posted on the 2012-08-26 at 20:00
Hi,to all my classmates.                                                                            
Fran Laphew Alba
Posted on the 2012-08-26 at 20:00
The 45 th reunion is now past and we had a wonderful tme. Friday night we were treated to Gary Bowling\'s House of Art. It is an amazing gallery , worth a trip to Bluefield to see. The weather was a little chilly on Saturday but did not stop the fun at the picnic. Saturday night we were at the Arts abd Crafts Center for a great meal, dancing and renewing old friendships. Sunday found us on the mountain at the overlook remembering classmates that have passed. We even had an extra guest, a black bear !Don\'t forget the 50th is on the same dates july 15,16 and 17 2016.
Posted on the 2012-08-26 at 20:00
Just wanted to say HI. We really enjoyed the class reunion. Hope all are doing well.                      LOL TOm@Carol.
Virginia Hoge Williams
Posted on the 2012-08-26 at 20:00
Hello from a very hot NC. Hope everyone is staying very cool today.. I graduated in 1966 and I am a retired LPN.. the mother of 1 daughter Wendy age 41 who lives in Nashville,TN. I went to BHS in the 11th and 12th grade. moving from Mullens.. So I did not get to know alot of my classmates. I enjoyed my 2 yrs at BHS.. I do not have any grandchildren, yet.. take care, stay cool.. Virginia
David Francisco
Posted on the 2011-07-01 at 20:00

My has the time slipped away?  I went from West Virginia to South Carolina to Texas and now find myself in living in Albany, NY.  I am working on the largest factory jobsite site in the USA right now.  3000 construction workers every day working on a $4.6B project.  I get home to South Carolina about every 3 weeks.  I sure miss WV and the reunions.  Let me hear from you. 

Dave Francisco
Clifton Park, NY

Dave Pruett
Posted on the 2011-07-01 at 20:00
Dear BHS66,Sounds like a great reunion coming up. Thanks to all those working hard to make it happen.Regrettably, we won\'t make it this time around. Last chance to take a group of JMU students to London (alas in July) before I retire in summer 2012.  Will try very hard to make 2016, both the year and the reunion :)Love to all,Dave Pruett, Suzanne Fiederlein, and Ellie Pruett-Fiederlein
Fran Alba
Posted on the 2011-03-26 at 20:00
Plans are starting for our next reunion in the summer of 2011.Start making your plans to attend. We really have a great time!
John D. Boone
Posted on the 2006-08-02 at 20:00
August 3, 2006 Shirley and had a great time at the reunion. We wanted to let everyone know we are now the proud grandparents of a new baby boy. Ethan Joseph Jones born Sunday at 2:34am and all is well with mother and baby. Have a great summer everybody John Boone
Wayne Duncan
Posted on the 2006-08-01 at 20:00
Oops! I mispelled acquaintances. On another note, if any one knows how to contact George Erps, please let me know. "Make" it a great day! Wayne Duncan
Fran Alba
Posted on the 2006-07-31 at 20:00
What a great week-end for renewing old friendships and catching up with each other. It really is a shame that we have classmates living here that do not attend. Look what they are missing!!
Wayne Duncan
Posted on the 2006-07-29 at 20:00
Janet and I really enjoyed the reunion. It was good to renew old aquaintences as well as making new ones. While viewing the photos, I noticed one of George Erps. I regret not seeing and talking to him on Friday evening. I always liked George. In fact, by the time I left BHS he and I were on a first name basis, if you know what I mean!
Doug Shell
Posted on the 2006-07-26 at 20:00
Thanks again to the committee for putting together a great reunion. Sharon and I was so glad we made it to this one, and got to see everyone. It was fantastic!
Leslie Byrd Evans Zamule
Posted on the 2006-07-26 at 20:00
I have some good "dirty dancing" photos which I will try to send to individuals as well as this website. I would also like classmates to start using the "Stories" part of the website so we can collect our memories before we don't have them any more. Would any one out there be able to set up a map that shows where everyone lives? I had lots of fun, but I'm sorry I missed Friday night. I was still hoarse Sunday morning.
Debbie (Rosenthal) Jackson
Posted on the 2006-07-24 at 20:00
This past weekend was the best reunion ever. For those of you who missed it, please know you were talked about constantly! We're going to post pictures and comments soon, so keep checking this site. We plan to use it often to stay in touch with all classmates. Mark your calendars for the 45th, and maybe there will be a get-together or two before then! Your reunion committee misses all of you!
Donna Spradlin Wudarsky
Posted on the 2006-07-21 at 20:00
Hello to my class members and spouses. Frank and I will attend the dinner and dance. My years at BHS were great. Special thanks to Steve,Fran,John ,Cindy and Debbie ,Martha....Thanks guys...The 30th was great and looking forward to the dinner and dance...Band members and chorus unit and perform....
Fran Alba
Posted on the 2006-07-17 at 20:00
I will be right beside Steve! Pip and I are looking forward to seeing everyone. Have a safe trip in if you are traveling.
Stephen Thomas
Posted on the 2006-07-15 at 20:00
I'm there.
Ron Dillon
Posted on the 2006-07-12 at 20:00
Wish I could be there with you. My newest grandson was born 7/10 and I have had plans for months to go
John Wright
Posted on the 2006-07-10 at 20:00
Seems like yesterday we were graduating and starting the next phase of our lives. Just finalized plans to attend and I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone. Having lived in Tx for 26 yrs where it is flat and ugly, I can't wait to get back to WV.
Bill Spracher
Posted on the 2006-07-04 at 20:00
Howdy from hot, humid Washington, DC, where it starts to get miserably muggy this time of year. That's why Congress and "W" escape this city, and I intend to do the same pronto. There's nothing like Nature's Air-Conditioned City to cool off and rest up from editing intel pubs, helping master's students prepare their theses, and writing (slowly) a doctoral dissertation of my own. NEWS FLASH -- Just found out on Father's Day that I'm going to be a grandpa for the first time in January. Finally -- whoopee! I live in Springfield, VA, right around the corner from my best friend Karen, who will accompany me to the Reunion as she did to the BHS '65 AAA State Champs Reunion last October. It was wonderful seeing some of you there, but I hope to see a lot more of you this time around. Don't let your classmates down -- be there and be square!
Jim Justice
Posted on the 2006-06-28 at 20:00
Chris and I will celebrate our 36th anniversary on 8/1---We were in town for the 40th reunion of the 1965 State Championship Team and had a spectacular time visiting with John and Becky Beckett---Palm Desert, CA is very hot in the month of July,120+ ---We are looking forward to visiting "Nature's Air Conditioned City" and seeing everyone---Our last reunion was in 1976 and I had hair--Looking forward to a fun weekend.
Dave Steele
Posted on the 2006-06-27 at 20:00
Hello everyone. This is the first time I have been contacted in many years. I would like to see you guy's, but I will be on vacation at that time. Let me know earlier next year. I am still in the area. I live in Pipestem, WV. and have my office in Princeton. My cell number is 304-920-5551. Hope you all have a GREAT time together. See you next year. Thanks, Dave Steele
Dena Bowers (Tsakires)
Posted on the 2006-06-27 at 20:00
Greetings BHS alums, I'm so excited about the reunion. It will be great to see everyone after so long. I'm married; I have a son and a daughter; and, two granddaughters. I've worked as a Social Worker; and, more recently in the Human Resources field. See you soon! Dena Tsakires Bowers
Evelyn Bennett Frost
Posted on the 2006-06-21 at 20:00
We have a family reunion the same weekend and will be unable to make it to the big 40. I would love to see everyone. Have a wonderful time.
Ron Phelps
Posted on the 2006-06-15 at 20:00
After experiencing the reunion of the 1965 West Virginia AAA Football State Champions held at the B.H.S.'s Homecomming last October, I knew that I had to return to Bluefield for our 40th Reunion. I totally enjoyed seeing everyone on that weekend, and I am so looking foward to seeing everyone in July. Ron Phelps
leslie Evans
Posted on the 2006-06-13 at 20:00
As I age, I get more and more nostalgic, so watch out for hugs, kisses and incriminating photos. Greg Zamule will be making an honest woman out of me. After 5 years of engagement, we'll be married on July 4th and will have just returned from our honeymoon before the reunion. I think it's the first time I've ever come to a reunion as a married woman. Okay, as an elderly but married woman. Looking forward to seeing everyone despite my glaucoma.
Lynda Bodell Gentry
Posted on the 2006-06-11 at 20:00
Don't know about the rest of you, but I am not old enough to be having a 40th high school reunion. Looking forward to seeing all of y'all.
Mary Lou Wright Wade
Posted on the 2006-06-04 at 20:00
Looking forward to our 40th. Tee an I have been married 41 years. I'm retired, we have 3 children, and 5 granddaughters an 1 grandson. We stay active in our church, Tee is in the Mason's, so we have made friends all over with our travels. We love spending time with our children an grandchildren. We have lived in Dublin Va. for 36 years, no matter where we go we run into someone we know. It's like having family nearby. I hope more of the class that live in Bluefield will come to the class reunion this year. Thanks to all for the work you put into planning our 40th. I could go on an on but I don't want to write a book.
Patti Wrenn
Posted on the 2006-05-24 at 20:00
For those of you who watch American Idol, we sure are proud here in Birmingham today. Taylor Hicks went to high school with my son. He graduated a yr after Gabriel. He's from the town where I work (Hoover). Reuben Studdard is from Birmingham and Bo Bice (who lost to Carrie Underwood) is from here too.
Steve Dula
Posted on the 2006-05-17 at 20:00
Look forward to seeing everone in July. We are in the process of moving from Charleston, WV to Kingsport, TN.
Susie Foster Cooper
Posted on the 2006-05-11 at 20:00
Sorry to be late responding, but I am really looking forward to seeing all of you in July. We are just not old enough to be having a 40th Reunion! Warm regards, Susie
Mitty Coles (Crymes)
Posted on the 2006-05-05 at 20:00
Looking forward to seeing everyone. Have planned the summer around it.
Kathy Douglas (Parker)
Posted on the 2006-04-16 at 20:00
I can't wait to see all of you. It has been such a long time. I am living and selling Residentail Real Estate in Atlanta, GA.
Sandra Kelley Rea (Sandee)
Posted on the 2006-04-02 at 20:00
I hope all classmates can make the reunion. I can't wait to see everyone. God Bless/sandee
Connie Trail Snow
Posted on the 2006-03-20 at 19:00
Hello to all classmates......Fill free to contact me anytime at email above......Living in Tennessee now and enjoying it very much, but there is nothing like WV mountains....... Getting ready for early retirement and hope to travel.......Would love to see all of you.........
Tom Robinette
Posted on the 2006-03-08 at 19:00
Greetings from "Brown Finger", LOL!